I take a lot of pride in my origin and ethnicity, which happens to be the same as that of Nikola Tesla (yes, we are smart like that ;))!
Nikola has been my inspiration since early age and – as dorky as I am – I used to compete in physics on regional level back in middle school!
In addition to being a frequency guru, Nikola Tesla was one of the founders of Ozone therapy as well (guess what my other service includes lol – look under my “ozone” service!)

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Founding fathers of frequency technology, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, believed that frequency is the future of the medicine!
Also worthy of honorable mention is Dr. Royal Rife (many Lyme’s disease patient have heard of this one in particular).
Through my extensive research, I find that AO SCAN is the closest to what they talked about.
This technology has been used for a long time all over the Europe (Germany, Russia, Spain), Asia and as of lately in USA and uses the frequency to determine imbalances in the body. How great is that!!!

Think about your body for a moment – every organ, tissue, every cell (!!!) functions at the certain frequency. When those frequencies are out of alignment – Disease happens!
Analogy I like to use with my patients is the radio station; your favorite radio station is best heard at the certain frequency. When you travel and go further away from that station’s optimum range you start hearing static and you don’t enjoy it as much anymore.
Same with your body!
Your body is designed to function at certain frequency and will not be happy when we drive it away from its “optimum” frequency (as we drive it further away from where it should be by poor eating habits, stress, toxic overloads etc!).
Our body doesn’t like songs with “static”.
Let’s sing happy songs!

So – how does it work?

During your session, I will place a special headphone set where the earbuds will be placed on your temporal area for better conduction (reading). This helps receive and read your frequencies, and by using the algorithm interprets them in values such as “high” or “low”. High doesn’t always mean you have too much of something – sometimes it means your body is not able to absorb it well and it just sits there, in excess.
After that, I’d adjust the setting to “frequency optimization”; during this time you will actually h e a r the frequency work to adjust and optimize your “static” reception. Each body is unique and there’s no such thing like two same sessions with this type of modality.

How long does it take?

Scanning part takes up to 5 minutes.
Optimization can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes.
Going over results will also take about 10 minutes.
This is a 25-30 minutes visit.
Most patients report immediate relief and feeling more energized.

How often should I do it?

Everybody’s favorite answer – IT DEPENDS!
Some patients can come once a week to address different ailments (there’s a comprehensive vs vital scan exam – comprehensive has over 30 different settings for different body systems).
My recommendation is every 4-5 weeks for the vital scan – that’s when you can look back and notice quite a difference, and every week for comprehensive if theres an issue that needs more attention.

AO Scan Vital 001
AO Scan Vital 002
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AO Scan Vital 007
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– Vitality Scan

While Vital Scan is recommended every 4-5 weeks to track the progress and changes, Comprehensive Scan can be done once a week (there are many organ systems to choose from; some of them are lymphatic, digestive cardiovascular, skeletal etc).

AO Scan Comprehensive 001
AO Scan Comprehensive 002
AO Scan Comprehensive 003

– Comprehensive Scan

What can AO Scan show?

Scan result is a very sensitive and extensive 24 pages report that shows
– Environmental and food sensitivity
– Toxins
– Heavy metals
– Mold
– Yeast
– Parasites
– Viruses
– Bacteria
And much more.


Schedule your AO test today!

– AO SCAN is not designed or used to diagnose or treat any condition. As always, consult your doctor first.