Ozone Sauna Therapy
You don’t need to be a chemistry wizard or a scientist to figure out and understand the ozone!
It’s really simple, I promise!
All you need to know is the difference between the “good guys” and the “bad guys”, and I’d be happy to help you with that!
Everybody knows that oxygen is O2.
Ozone is O3.
That means ozone has one extra oxygen, hence O3 instead of O2.
Since ozone is a very unstable gas, it will quickly break down into the oxygen (O2) leaving one negatively charged oxygen ion.
Free radicals are v e r y harmful for the body and they are positively charged! Viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites / Protozoa all have positive charge.
Remember that negatively charged oxygen ion?!
NOW – when you introduce ozone into your body you are assisting your body in fight against the positively charged “bad guys” by bonding them with that extra/ negatively charged oxygen ion (rare instance when something “negative” is very good and “positive” for you 😉)!
The more ozone you get, the more cavalry you bring to your body’s battlefield!
No disease can thrive in oxygen rich environment, that’s why patients with chronic disease such as Lyme’s, Fibromyalgia or even cancer respond favorable to adjunctive / supplemental therapies like this one!
But ozone is not limited to just that – topically it helps with all kinds of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, abrasions, small cuts, burns, hemorrhoids, worts, heck – even shingles!
Many European countries use ozone water to sterilize the wounds.
It is also commonly used in dentistry.
But it’s not limited to earth alone – Astronauts use it as well 😉
Just lately it was used in China to suppress Corona outbreak (google ozone and Corona).
There are n u m e r o u s studies about benefits of ozone, and I’m happy to share all of those links with you (see below)!
How is ozone administered?
Ozone can be administered in many ways – via IV, ozone injection therapy, ozone sauna (HOCATT is the Cadillac of ozone saunas), ozone topicals, ozone insufflations (ears, rectal and vaginal), ozone cupping, drinking ozonated water, ozonated oils… you name it!
That is THE only contraindication of ozone!
Even though it is commonly used in industrial cleaning to “freshen up” after remodeling or to get rid of the bad smells, they will (ideally) make sure space is well ventilated before you can go in!
I put emphasis on “ideally” –
Few years ago we went to Myrtle Beach for one of my seminars. I took my boys (my husband and son) with me and we checked in kind of late. My husband walked in our fancy resort room first and I saw him collapse!!! I walked in to help him and my lungs started hurting instantly! We suffered the ozone poisoning because the hotel staff forgot to turn the machine off and left it running for days! It built up to toxic levels and paramedics had to come help my husband (he’s ok now).
So – do N O T breathe it in!
On a brighter note – not all ozone is that bad or serious to breathe in!
Have you ever had a privilege of walking in the woods immediately after the rain?
That smell… THAT is the ozone you can (and should) breathe with full lungs!
Here’s to your healing journey with ozone!!!

HOCATT Ozone Sauna
I feel so blessed and fortunate to be the only physician in the area to offer such a treat!
Ozone sauna in St. Augustine 😉
I call this the “Cadillac of ozone therapies” because it is so non-invasive compared to other ozone modalities.
Instead of being pricked with either ozone injections or ozone IV infusions, you just sit comfortably in the sauna pod (your head is sticking out so you do n o t breathe in the ozone!) and relax while getting super oxygenated! And ozonated!
Many of my patients report feeling better after the first treatment.
This is one modality that helps Lyme’s disease sufferers the most.
HOCATT ozone sauna is equipped with photon therapy, carbonic acid, FSM, PEMF and pure medical oxygen as well. The best part – you can customize / pick and choose what modalities you want for your treatment!
Imagine sitting and relaxing – getting oxygen to your head via medical oxygen blowing gently in your nose, while the rest of your body is immersed for full 25 minutes in pure ozone steam… right !?!
You walk out feeling “lighter”. Better. Oxygenated and “ozonated”!!!
You rest and relax while those negatively charged “good guys” bind positively charged free radicals, by now also known as “bad guys”!
Whether you have a stubborn skin condition, auto immune disease, trying to get pregnant, lose weight or just detox – ozone is the way to go!
I strongly believe that this is the future of the medicine!
My homie Nikola Tesla used ozone generators back in 1930 to make ozonated creams (that he donated to hospitals).
He’s been such an inspiration to me. So much that I spent the last five (yes! 5!!) days ozonating oil until it turned into a cream! Fine, translucent, richly ozonated cream that will help many with eczema, cuts, insect bites etc. I’m super excited!
All of this is included in your HOCATT Ozone Sauna session:
- Transdermal Ozone
- CO2 / Carbonic Acid
- Whole Body Hyperthermia (WBH) – Far Infrared – Steam Sauna
- High-Intensity PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields)
- Frequency Specific Microcurrents
- Passive Exercise with Oxygen Breathing
- Essential Oil Infusions
- Photon Light & Colors
- Ultraviolet Irradiation
Ozone is known to:
- Inactivate Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites and Protozoa
- Stimulate the Immune System & Speed Healing
- Clean Arteries and Veins, Improving Circulation
- Oxidize Toxins, facilitating their Excretion
- Normalize Hormone and Enzyme Production
- Reduce Inflammation
- Reduce Pain, Calm nerves
- Improve Brain function and Memory
- Scavenge Free Radicals
- Dissolution of Malignant Tumors
- Activate the Immune System
- Detox your body at the cellular level!
Ozone and Women’s Health
There is plenty of research out there showing that the most common women’s health issues can be addressed (rather successfully) with Ozone — Ozone vaginal insufflations help in conditions such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, yeast and vaginitis.
In many cases it can help with fertility by the way of eliminating inflammatory processes caused by viruses or bacteria. Here’s to ozone babies <3
Carbonic Acid combined with Ozone is A wonderful tool to rejuvenate and beautify 🙂
- The more oxygen to the cells, the slower the aging process
- Ozonate those fine wrinkles for more beautiful texture and better looking skin
- Strengthen and boost your collagen.
- Reduce rosacea, blemishes and acne
- Stimulate weight loss — one sessions burns about 600 calories
Before your first sauna visit
BEFORE you come in, PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING (otherwise I can’t put you in the sauna):
- Make sure you drink half of your weight in oz before sauna. For instance – If you weight 100lbs, drink 50oz of water before your session.
- No drinking alcohol the night before
- No heavy meals but DO eat before coming
- Start taking Chlorella supplement and /or glutathione to better help your body dump the toxic load. I have glutathione in the office, same price as Amazon ($49).

Ozone Sauna Therapy – Your First Session
Once you come in we will go over your history (little different than the one I have for acupuncture, this one is more ozone and sauna oriented), and I will take your blood pressure and temp.
Then I will give you the spa wrap you will change into and I will leave the room while you change. Once I’m back in the room I will help you into the pod. Once I close the pod door and tuck you in, you can “uncover” (inside the pod) for the comfort and for more skin exposure.Remember – skin IS the largest organ; the more skin is in touch with ozone the better the benefit.
Carbonic acid will run for about 1-2 minutes with the purpose to gently open up your pores so that you can better absorb the ozone.
Then we run the ozone – you will feel the waves of heat/steam on and off – thats normal. Immersion in ozone will last 20-25 minutes and is very relaxing.
Your heart rate will be monitored the whole time and you will have medical oxygen gently blowing on your face.
When the ozone part is done, you will hear a “vacuum” sucking out the heat and steam (this is to prevent ozone escaping in the air). Once the “vacuum” is done, I will ask you to put the spa wrap back on again (inside the pod, open the doors of the pod and help you out. Than i will leave the room again so you can dry and change, and – thats it <3
Here’s to your healing journey <3
Schedule your Ozone session today!
Here are s o m e of the studies I mentioned earlier:
Membrane Permeabilization of Mammalian Cells Using Bursts of High Magnetic Field Pulses
Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds: A Systematic Review
Ozone Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Lung Injury in Septic Rats
Efficacy of Ozone-Oxygen Therapy for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
The Mechanism of the Pulmoprotective Action of Carboxytherapy
Application of Ozonotherapy in Chronic Inflammation of the Urinary Bladder
Effects of Ozonized Autohaemotherapy on Human Hair Cycle
Brain Ischemia and Hypometabolism Treated by Ozone Therapy
Non-invasive Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in Treating Digital Ulcers of Patients With Systemic Sclerosis
Ozone Therapy: A Potential Therapeutic Adjunct for Improving Female Reproductive Health
Ozone Therapy in 65 Patients With Fibromyalgia: An Effective Therapy
The Place of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Ozone Therapy in Sudden Hearing Loss
Effect of Ozone Therapy on Muscle Oxygenation
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness in Biceps Brachii
Biophysical Stimulation of the Knee With PEMFs: From Bench to Bedside
These are all journal article that can found at: www.pubmed.gov. You can use the key word search, although it takes time to go through so many articles.
Happy reading!!